Team Standings

Retrieve current NBA team standings.

Get Team Standings

Use this endpoint to retrieve current NBA team standings.

import { Time4BoostAPI } from "@time4boost/sdk";

const api = new Time4BoostAPI({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" });
const standings = await{ season: 2023 });

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "team_id": 10,
      "conference": "West",
      "division": "Pacific",
      "city": "Golden State",
      "name": "Warriors",
      "full_name": "Golden State Warriors",
      "abbreviation": "GSW",
      "conference_record": "10-1",
      "conference_rank": 1,
      "division_record": "5-0",
      "division_rank": 1,
      "wins": 11,
      "losses": 1,
      "home_record": "8-0",
      "road_record": "2-1",
      "season": 2023
    // ... more teams
  "meta": {
    "next_cursor": "2",
    "per_page": 25

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

seasontrueReturns regular season standings for the specified season. For example, ?season=2023 will return the team standings for the 2023-24 season.
cursorfalseCursor for pagination, use the value from meta.next_cursor
per_pagefalseNumber of results per page (default: 25, max: 100)